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Sabtu, April 11, 2009

Bidvertiser Tips

Sebenarnya masih terlalu dini untuk sekedar mensharingkan tips ini, disamping sebanarnya sudah tercantum di dashbord bisnis ini, tetapi juga earning yang kami dapatkan masih teralu sedikit, tapi bagi yang benar-benar sudah sampai taraf mau stress meningkatkan earning bidvertiser tidak ada salahnya memakai cara ini.

Kita tahu bidvertiser adalah program pay per click (ppc) kita akan mendapatkan komisi jika iklan yang ditampilkan di website kita nongol dan di klik oleh pengunjung website kita. Bedanya kalau adsense kita bisa pasang kode secara universal untuk sembarang website/blog kita, program bidvertiser ini kita harus mendaftarkan website/blog kita satu per satu. Tetapi Seperti yang saya alami, susah sekali menaikkan earning bidvertiser jika website yang telah terpasang script program ini minim trafiknya. Dengan mengakali dengan banyak site juga terkadang tidak membantu. Ada beberapa tips juga yang saya baca dari pebisnis program ini yang sudah merasakan hasilnya, kita harus tepat memilih “kategori website” yang paling banyak menghasilkan iklan, tetapi sayangnya kita tidak bisa seenaknya merubah kategori web kita.

Misalnya website kita “preference”nya sudah terlanjur seperti ini

Primary language of your website : Indonesian
Category: Travel –> Adventure & Sports Travel
* Your website category has been assigned and locked by our editorial team. If you feel that there is another category that better match your website, please contact us.

Jika kita ingin merubah kategorinya, kita harus mengontak admin bidvertiser. Untuk itu kita harus benar-benar memilih kategori web yang akan kita pasang script dari program ini sebelum kita mendaftarkan website kita. Kalau toh sudah terlanjur, kita bisa mengontak admin bidvertiser.

Ada cara yang lebih mudah yang bisa kita coba, untuk meningkatkan erning bidvertiser yaitu mensinergikan program bidvertiser dengan program shareapic (reff).

Setelah kita mendaftar program ini disini (reff) kita bisa menyadingkan program bidvertiser dengan program shareapic (reff), tentunya kita juga harus optimalkan trafik dari shareapic kita.

langkah-langkahnya :
1. Masuk ke dashbord shareapic
2. Klik menu bidvertiser
3. Ikuti step-by-stepnya disana

Langkah 1
Jika belum punya akun bidvertiser bisa daftar disini( reff) atau klik banner dibawah ini, jika sudah punya akun..lewati step ini.

Langkah 2
Jika sudah terdaftar silahkan masuk ke menu control panelnya, kemudian klik gambar dibawah ini

Langkah 3
Isikan form sesuai dengan data anda masing-masing
Your username adalah username anda di shareapic
isi kategori sesuai dengan gambar di bawah ini (sama persis)

form shareapic

Langkah 4
Kembali ke dashbord bidvertiser, kemudian klik Get Ad Code, kemudian akan muncul jendela pop up seperti berikut :


Langkah 5
Perhatikan bagian kode yang dicopy, yang berwarna merah yang akan kita pakai

Tiap-tiap member akan mendapatkan kode yang berbeda-beda

Langkah 6
Kembali ke menu shareapic, paste-kan potongan bagian kode yang berwarna merah tersebuut ke kolom yang telah tersedia

kemudia klik save, jika berhasil kita akan mendapatkan pesan berikut ini

Selamat mencoba

Source :

Jumat, Maret 20, 2009

Make Money With Urlcash

Upload some image to imagewaste or another free image hosting like this picture :

Create new link in, promo you link ads with blog or website

Selasa, Februari 10, 2009

Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur (Hardcover)

Product Description

Sir Richard Branson is one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and his Virgin Group is one of the most recognised lifestyle brands, trusted and enjoyed by many millions of people.

Now, in his trademark charismatic and honest style, Richard shares the inside track on some of his greatest achievements over forty years in business as well as the lessons he has learned from his setbacks. In Business Stripped Bare, he discusses why he took on one of the world’s biggest superbrands, how he built Virgin Mobile USA into the fastest growing company in history to reach a billion dollars in revenue, faster than Microsoft, Google or, and how Richard is the only person in the world to have built seven billion dollar companies from scratch in seven completely different sectors.

Richard tells the story behind the launch of Virgin America, his new airline in the USA, how Virgin Galactic is set to initiate a new era of space tourism from a spaceport deep in the Mojave desert, and what he has learned about business from a diverse group of leaders, including Nelson Mandela, Jack Welch, Herb Kelleher, Steve Jobs and the founders of Google. He also shares his thoughts on the changing face of the global economy and how businesses worldwide need to work together to tackle environmental challenges and invest in the future of our world.

Combining invaluable advice with remarkable and candid inside stories, Business Stripped Bare is a dynamic, inspirational and truly original guide to success in business and in life. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur or just starting out in the business world, Richard strips down business to show how you can succeed and make a difference.

About the Author

Sir Richard Branson is a hugely successful international entrepreneur and is chairman of the Virgin Group. His autobiography, Losing My Virginity, and his second book, Screw It, Let’s Do It, have both been international bestsellers.

Minggu, Januari 11, 2009

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Kamis, Januari 08, 2009

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life [ROUGHCUT] (Hardcover)

In this startlingly frank account of Buffett's life, Schroeder, a former managing director at Morgan Stanley—and hand picked by Buffett to be his biographer—strips away the mystery that has long cloaked the word's richest man to reveal a life and fortune erected around lucid and inspired business vision and unimaginable personal complexity. In a book that is dominated by unstinting descriptions of Buffett's appetites—for profit, women (particularly nurturing maternal types), food (Buffett maintained his and his family's weight by "dangling money")—it is refreshing that Schroeder keeps her tone free of judgment or awe;

Buffett's plain-speaking suffuses the book and renders his public and private successes and failures wonderfully human and universal. Schroeder's sections detailing the genesis of Buffett's investment strategy, his early mentoring by Benjamin Graham (who imparted the memorable "cigar butt" scheme: purchasing discarded stocks and taking a final puff). Inspiring managerial advice abounds and competes with gossipy tidbits (the married Buffett's very public relationship with Washington Post editor Katherine Graham) in this rich, surprisingly affecting biography.

The mandatory book to read in these treacherous times of financial crisis.…A thoughtful and intimate biography of the globe’s wisest investor.” –Forbes
“Will mesmerize anyone interested in who Mr. Buffett is or how he got that way.” The Snowball tells a fascinating story.”–New York Times
“If the replication of any great achievement first requires knowledge of how it was done, then The Snowball, the most detailed glimpse inside Warren Buffett and his world that we likely will ever get, should become a Bible for capitalists.” —Washington Post
“Anyone who has been watching events unfold in recent months–which would be everyone–can now appreciate the wisdom of Buffett....The most authoritative portrait of one of the most important American investors of our time.”–Los Angeles Times
“Even people who don't care a whit about business will be intrigued by this portrait… Schroeder, a former insurance-industry analyst, spent years interviewing Buffett, and the result is a side of the Oracle of Omaha that has rarely been seen.” —Time Magazine
"Schroeder, a former analyst, has a meat-and-potatoes style that matches the homespun wisdom of her subject...Now more than ever, Buffett's emphasis on fundamentals seems like genius. It's the perfect moment for a great book on an immensely inspiring capitalist."–People, four stars
“Schroeder, a former investment analyst, is well equipped to elucidate Buffett’s deals…[and] Buffett’s life abounds with good stories.” —The New Yorker
“An instructive chronicle of financial success at a moment when financial failure is on everyone’s mind....All you wanted to know about Warren Buffett–and more.”—Wall... --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life

Sabtu, Januari 03, 2009

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